Saturday, July 5, 2008

July Events

July Movies

WALL*E - love blossoms between a hapless, earth-bound trash compactor and a sleek, air-borne entity probe. Who would've guessed? Not me! I won't spoil the ending, but bring a hanky!

Mama Mia! - two hours of exuberant, musical fun based on the songs of ABBA. Cringe if you must, but your toes will be tapping all the same. I enjoyed three handsome, if vocally challenged, actors each taking turns being confused, surprised, charming and ultimately rising to chivalry. I love a man who can take the micky out of his own persona. Amanda Seyfried as bride-to-be, Sophie is lovely - both visually and vocally.

Brideshead Revisited - Move over Jeremy Irons, Matthew Goode is the new face of bewildered emotional sensitivity in this 135 minute re-telling of Evelyn Waugh's book-cum-mini-series-cum-film. But it's Ben Wishaw's Sebastian who serves up a tour-de-force portrayal of life-long inner turmoil with heartbreaking intensity.

Just For Laughs - July 26
Headliner Jimmy Fallon brought stand up to Toronto. It was a treat to see this young comedic talent on the threshold of stardom. Intellectually, you know he’s put a lot of effort into his perfectly timed routines, but his delivery is so effortless you are easily carried away on his giddy magic carpet. First, it was the imitations with the images of his characterizations (Seinfeld, Cosby, Carson, Pryor) up on a screen behind him. Then, he serenaded us on acoustic guitar with a home-spun diddy about a friend who spits when he talks. Yes, the Just For Laughs format includes a line-up of performers, but they were mere filler in between the comic goofiness that is Jimmy.

The Eagles at ACC - July 22
In a word: harmonies – it was all about the wonderful blending of true vocal and guitar talent. Henley, Walsh, Schmit and Frey were also tight, professional and determined to rise above individual differences and deliver a fun show on Don’s 61st birthday. They were in town to promote The Long Road Out of Eden but served up all the old favourites. I couldn’t believe my ears: five songs in and with a slow start, they delivered Hotel California. Pinch me. The wave of recognition that shot through the crowd was electric. It was one enormous sing-along after another, notably Lyin’ Eyes and Peaceful Easy Feelin'. Joe Walsh is still crazy after all these years, even with a suit on (right). The new music was catchy and the set that opened the second act (there was an intermission- for them or us?) was intimate with voices, guitars and the gents sitting on a row of bar stools.

Archery Intensive at Casa Loma
July 19th
The three hour lesson and practice session thrilled me and left me warn out. It was a great afternoon with master Shawn Adams and the small group.

I'll be watching for the Intermediate class that he is putting together. And, will keep looking for local clubs.

The Music Man - Stratford, July 12
"he's a what? he's a what?" He's a music man and I sang along with him and the rest of the cast to all the old favourites. I was introduced to the musical as a child backstage and have seen the movie version many times. So, I was quite excited to finally see a stage production. It was terrific! Lovely costumes, clever sets and vocal talent worth driving out of town for.

Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition
July 11, Nathan Philips Square had hundreds of wonderful sights, some old favourites from years past and many new artists. I especially love the glass work. The sunshine bakes, bring a hat and sunglasses!

Beyond Toronto – (aka Summer Vacation) Canada Day - July 1st - Halifax
Spent a glorious day in the Halifax sunshine starting with a city tour. Cruised through the historic Citadel before running down to the hill to watch the parade - all pipes and drums and salutes. Headed down to the waterfront for lunch at Murphy's on the water then visited the Maritime Museum. Terrific! Rested up before lobster Subway sandwich (really!) Later, a harbour cruise to watch the Canada Day fireworks.

Wed, July 2, 2008
Nova Scotia - Cape Breton

We left Halifax and headed north through the mist (above), stopping at the quaint old fisherman’s house (right) where we were treated to fresh baked cookies. We carried on past fields of multi-coloured luppins and stopped for a while at Sherbrooke Village – a local history lesson comes alive. We visited homes, including the doctor’s and businesses like the post office and general store. Right around the corner we made a quick stop to watch as the water-powered saw created planks the old fashioned way. Canso causeway, the biggest deal we couldn’t see, welcomed us to Cape Breton Island and our two-day destination, Baddock. View from the window was beautiful. A quick sail before dinner provided a glimpse of a golden eagle.

Thurs, July 3, 2008 – Cabot Trail
Brief early morning hike along the resort's wooded path. A hearty breakfast set us up for the long day ahead. We started out at the Alexander Graham Bell museum where his inventive genius is celebrated. It was then we set out round the Cabot Trail. Breathtaking vistas unfolded as we proceeded north along the coastal road. We stopped at the top – who knew an upland bog could be so diverting? (right) Back home to beautiful Baddock for scallop supper.

Friday, July 4 & 5, 2008

– Prince Edward Island
We boarded the ferry, bus 'n all, to cross the Northumberland Sound. PEI is beautiful and despite the tourism has managed to retain its small-town cleanliness and charm. Dig the red sand beaches! Couldn't miss Anne of Green Gables (left) and the musical was delightful! And the little house in the woods is quaint.

Sunday, July 6 - Monton, NB
Crossed the 12.9 km Confederation Bridge to reach our lobster lunch cruise at Shediack, home of the hundred year old lobster. I helped to haul up a couple of lobster traps and proudly show off one of the catches. We received a lesson on cooking and dismantling a lobster, which we were told, is best eaten cold and unadorned.

Monday, July 7 - New Brunswick - Halifax
Started the foggy day at Hopewell Rocks on the floor of the Bay of Fundy at low tide. (right) It was amazing to visit the world famous location that I've heard stories about as a child in school. As a result of a train derailment, we were shuttled back to Halifax by bus and made it just in time for the famous Military Tattoo, (below) with a cast of thousands (well, almost) and Peter McKay in attendance.